These 30ml bottles have multiple CBD strengths to help fit your personal needs.DescriptionOur CBD Tincture has a spectacular flavor that average consumers and CBD-Enthusiasts are sure to love. This 30ml bottle contains natural hemp seed oil, natural mint flavoring, and Grade-A CBD isolate.
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These 30ml bottles have multiple CBD strengths to help fit your personal needs.DescriptionOur CBD Tincture has a spectacular flavor that average consumers and CBD-Enthusiasts are sure to love. This 30ml bottle contains natural hemp seed oil, natural mint flavoring, and Grade-A CBD isolate. Using a CBD Isolate over a broad-spectrum 30ml Cannablast Premium CBD Tinctures (Berry Flavor) CannaBlast Premium CBD introduces an all new line of CBD Tincture. These 30ml bottles have multiple CBD strengths to help fit your personal needs.DescriptionOur CBD Tincture has a spectacular flavor that average consumers and CBD-Enthusiasts are sure to love.
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These 30ml bottles have multiple CBD strengths to help fit your personal needs.DescriptionOur CBD Tincture has a spectacular flavor that average consumers and CBD-Enthusiasts are sure to love. This 30ml bottle contains natural hemp seed oil, natural mint flavoring, and Grade-A CBD isolate.